Welcome to GFASA


As demand for healthy and climate friendly alternatives grows it is important that consumers understand and trust what they are buying. The GRASSFED ASSOCIATION OF SA (GFASA) was born out of a need to enable farmers to get GrassFed produce to market by providing the value chain and the consumer with an independent certification and a label that they could trust.  GFASA was established to enable primary producers to produce certified GrassFed and/or Free Range meat for consumers.

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GFASA enables this route to market by providing:

  • a comprehensive GrassFed protocol
  • auditing of that protocol by GFASA and SAMIC
  • a distinctive brand mark, that can be trusted and recognized by consumers
  • farmers with the ability to market their certified product via their chosen channels
  • a unified GrassFed industry

We are passionate about our animals, about farming and about our natural resources and we take pride in collaborating to highly produce sought-after meat for consumers.

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